Wednesday 14 July 2010

Our request to new crew

Dear President,

Good morning.

A few suggestions pl’ for your perusal and contemplation:

1. Do something different sincerely.................... be with weaker and mediocre sections thus make them aware that they are not alone in this journey

2. Arrange Central Helpline Wing headed by the most dedicated social worker

3. Conduct socio-cultural seminar in every three months

4. Conduct table topics in every two months on current Indian political issues for updating our members

5. Over and above, plan a programme to raise fund for Central Committee to come out of all burdens and to work without much difficulty. Later on, utilize this fund properly, to get it appreciated

for INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter

suresh kariyad


  1. A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.
    Mohandas Gandhi

  2. Even if I died in the service of the nation, I would be proud of it. Every drop of my blood... will contribute to the growth of this nation and to make it strong and dynamic.
    Indira Gandhi

  3. A leader or a man of action in a crisis almost always acts subconsciously and then thinks of the reasons for his action.
    Jawaharlal Nehru

  4. For some days, people thought that India was shaking. But there are always tremors when a great tree falls.
    Rajiv Gandhi
