Tuesday 6 July 2010

INCAS Kannur District Chapter Election

Unity.............we will lead............... we are one...........

Newly elected office bearers:

We will lead together. Unity is our strength.

Mr. Moosa, Mr. Ebrahim, Mr. Salam, Mr. TH Narayan, Mr. Ahed, Mr. Aneesh, Mr. Devanand..............

Newly elected president & outgoing president are deeply united and active when Mr. Mohammed Ali Ponnani delivers felicitation speech.............

His master's voice :

Mr. KK Usman shares his happines with Mr. Suresh Kariyad the newly elected President

A gathering seems to be tremendously happy when the dias glitters.........

Intimacy connect them as well: President & Secretary listening to the felicitation speech delivered by Mr. Mohammed Ali Ponnani

Election waves..............memorable moments..............cheerful afternoon and we kannur INCAS team of sacrifice and determination with unity....................

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