Wednesday 22 December 2010

Mr. P.C. Vishnu Nath is elected the President of State Youth Congress. He secured 789 votes and his opponent Liju secured 676 votes in the election. M. Liju will now be the Vice President of Youth Congress.

M. Liju was the earlier President of the State Youth Congress. This time around, Vishnu had defeated his opponent by a majority of 113 votes. Almost 4.5 lakh Youth Congress members are estimated to have cast their vote in the polls. Under Rahul Gandhi’s leadership, youth congress elections have gained momentum, as per the young leaders in the state.

The elections started off with cultural programs by Youth Congress members. Following the cultural activities, various political leaders addressed the gathering.

Mr. Vishu said that Youth Congress will work in sync with the political parties and work towards the promotion of socio-welfare activities in the state.

We, INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter extend our hearty congrats to both President & Vice-President.

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