Thursday 30 December 2010

Big salute.......

The Indian National Congress celebrated its 125th Foundation Day on December 28, 2009. This is unprecedented in the annals of world political history. It is a truly historic event, that in any country in the world, any political party would be successfully celebrating its 125th birthday, and it is a matter of great pride for every member of the Congress to be a part of such a historic party, with a rich legacy of 125 years.

The Indian National Congress is undoubtedly the largest, and, possibly, the oldest political party in the world, with a mass membership that quite possibly exceeds the population of several small countries. And yet, this is not the only unique dimension of the Indian National Congress. The history of the Congress Party is inextricably intertwined with the history of the Indian independence movement, and hundreds of leaders and foot soldiers of the party had the honour to stand at the frontlines of the exceptional struggle for our country’s independence from British rule. Exceptional because, once again, in the annals of world political history no other country or nation has fought for and obtained its independence without warfare and weapons. Exceptional because the entire struggle for freedom was based upon the foundation of truth and moral authority, and the creed of non-violence symbolized by the mighty power of the example of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. Little wonder then that the name of Mahatma Gandhi resonates even today in the context of peace, and moral values in the world order.

The Congress and its leaders were born from the strong moral values and sacrifice of the freedom movement, and it is this spirit of service and dedication to the nation which informs the philosophy of the Indian National Congress until today. From the battle for freedom, the Congress led the country in the task of nation building under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru, and, during that golden period, the Congress dedicated itself to the ideal of a welfare state, the commanding heights of the public sector, and an India determined to come out of the wounds of Partition, as also the shadow of colonial rule and take her rightful place in the comity of nations. Under Lal Bahadur Shastri, the Congress reiterated its foundation of morality and ethics, and continued to dominate the Indian political landscape.

Then began a period in our political history, when elections to state legislatures were won by some political parties, and from being the party in government, the Congress moved to occupy the Opposition space in some states. But soon Indira Gandhi dominated the national political scene and towered over all other leaders, with her fiery determination and commitment to the poor. “Garibi hatao” became the slogan of the Congress Party, both within the country and at international fora. Whether it was the Non-Aligned Movement or the creation of Bangladesh, the abolition of privy purses or nationalization of banks, the Congress under Indira Gandhi found a lasting place in the hearts and minds of people. The poor of our country, the women, the dalits, and tribals, the disadvantaged all over the country, felt that Indira Gandhi would look after them and protect their interests. All over the country, it was the Congress alone which was the party in government, or the leading Opposition party.
The traumatic death of Indira Gandhi saw a generational shift in the Congress, and our country’s youngest ever Prime Minister was sworn into office. Soon he led the Congress to a spectacular victory. Then began the era of youth, of redefining the role of the Congress in the modern world and taking India into the 21st century. With refreshing idealism, which refused to be dampened by vested interests or nay-sayers, Rajiv Gandhi introduced to the party, and the nation, computers, technology, efficient delivery, and, above all, the concept of transparent, accountable politics. His steadfast idealism saw the impossible happen. Power was devolved for the first time, in a real sense, to the level of local government. Also for the first time, dalits and tribal and women were given a share of decision-making and a space on the political horizon by the reservation of seats for them in local bodies.

Sonia Gandhi took over the reins of the party years after the assassination of her husband, and in the face of great pessimism expressed by parties opposed to the Congress. The Congress itself was numb and traumatized by the death of Rajiv Gandhi, and many wondered if the grand old party would be able to fight its way out of the vacuum caused by the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, who had been a leader acceptable not just to the entire Congress party, but to every Indian, cutting across barriers of geography, economics, caste and creed. In the 10 years Mrs. Sonia Gandhi has led the party, the Congress has virtually gone from triumph to triumph, emerging once again as the only party with a truly pan-Indian presence, in government or the leading Opposition in every state in India. More importantly, the Congress has once again moved with the needs of the time and has fashioned itself, under the leadership of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, into a party committed to the welfare and upliftment of the most disadvantaged sections of Indian society, party committed to inclusive growth, to democracy, to accountability and to a strong self-reliant India. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has been the pride of the party with his shining integrity and quiet dedication. The Congress represents every section of our society, including youth and women, and the iconic leadership of Rahul Gandhi has been tremendously instrumental in taking the message of the Congress to the youth of India.

The year 2009 was another landmark for the Congress. It was widely expected that anti-incumbency would ensure that the Congress did not come back to power at the Centre, and indeed, in recent times, very few governments have won a second term at the national level. However, the steadfast commitment to inclusive growth, particularly schemes such as National Rural Employment Guarantee Act and the Right to Information Act, won huge trust and support from the people of India. Further, as any political observer could see, the electorate was tired of the hollow jargon-type electioneering followed by the Bharatiya Janata Party, and certainly did not believe in Lal Krishna Advani’s promises of good and decisive governance. Also, the Congress, under the leadership of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and Dr Singh, presented the much more satisfying prospect of good governance. The true achievement, however, lay in the revival of the Congress in Uttar Pradesh. Mr. Rahul Gandhi’s repeated forays into the heartlands of Uttar Pradesh, his candid engagement of ordinary people, his transparent commitment to ensure democracy within the party, and good governance, saw the Congress winning back in substantial measure the trust of the people of Uttar Pradesh. To me, it is an important signal that the days of polarizing and identity-based politics may not be fully history, but the success of Mr. Rahul Gandhi’s idealism signals a new watershed.

The challenges ahead are many. In a country like India, there is always the temptation to try the gimmickry of narrow electoral appeal and populist politics to win elections. Democracy within the party and accountability to the public, as well as making inclusive development electoral planks, may not bring gains in the short term. But, if anything, it is clear, that the Congress has stood the test of time. With our historic legacy, and mature leadership, infused now by the idealistic and transparent appeal of youthful leaders like Mr. Rahul Gandhi, the Congress now towers head and shoulders over other formations. The Congress also has the ability to build patiently, and wait for results.The achievements of the Congress are manifold, and self-evident. The challenges facing the party are the same as any that might face any mass-based political organization, but these challenges appear relatively minor in the face of the strength of the party and the vision of the leadership of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi. Above all, the tremendous moral authority of her single act of declining the office of Prime Minister has raised her leadership to heights that can never be achieved by other leaders, and invests her leadership with particular resonance. And the greater the heights achieved by the Congress, the greater will its commitment be to the service of the nation.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Our wishes for you in year 2011.......

Great start for Jan,

Love for Feb,

Peace for March,

No worries for April,

Fun for May,

Joy for June to Nov,

Happiness for Dec,

Have a lucky and wonderful 2011.

Warm regards,

INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter

Sunday 26 December 2010

Congress President Mrs. Sonia Gandhi paid homage to veteran Congress leader K. Karunakaran.
The UPA Chairperson, accompanied by Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram, placed wreath and paid her respects to leader.

Saturday 25 December 2010

Merry X - Mas

Jingle the bells and play the music loud, for Santa Claus is coming to town! Merry Christmas!

What is Christmas?
It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future.
It is fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace.
We wish a Blessed Christmas to you and to your family.

Thursday 23 December 2010

homage to leader

Dec 24, 2010

Friends and members of INCAS the light has gone out of our lives and there is darkness everywhere. I do not know what to tell you and how to say it. Our beloved leader, Leader as we call him, the founder of modern Kerala, is no more.

Perhaps I am wrong to say that. Nevertheless, we will not see him again as we have seen him for these many years. We will not run to him seeking solace.

Ofcourse. this is a terrible blow to millions and millions of this country...............

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Mr. P.C. Vishnu Nath is elected the President of State Youth Congress. He secured 789 votes and his opponent Liju secured 676 votes in the election. M. Liju will now be the Vice President of Youth Congress.

M. Liju was the earlier President of the State Youth Congress. This time around, Vishnu had defeated his opponent by a majority of 113 votes. Almost 4.5 lakh Youth Congress members are estimated to have cast their vote in the polls. Under Rahul Gandhi’s leadership, youth congress elections have gained momentum, as per the young leaders in the state.

The elections started off with cultural programs by Youth Congress members. Following the cultural activities, various political leaders addressed the gathering.

Mr. Vishu said that Youth Congress will work in sync with the political parties and work towards the promotion of socio-welfare activities in the state.

We, INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter extend our hearty congrats to both President & Vice-President.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

A special Delegation headed by Hon. President of KPCC, Shri. Ramesh Chennithala will meet members of INCAS at Mughal Empire, Doha Jadeed on Dec 23 Thursday, 6.30 PM.
All district committees are requested to ensure presence of their whole members in the meeting.

Thanks & warm regards,

Sonu Augustine

Monday 20 December 2010


INCAS Kannur District Committee members extend their heartfelt condolence to Mr. Biju Varghese on sad demise of his wife Viji John.

May the almighty, rest the departed soul in peace and give fortitude to the bereaved members of the family to bear this irreparable loss.

Sunday 19 December 2010

Family trip 2010

Happy Qatar National Day........

On 18th Dec 2010, Incas Kannur Dist Chapter conducted their annual family trip on the occasion of Qatar National Day celebration. The participants, family of incas kannur dist chapter enjoyed each moment and rocked like anything. They were in some other world for hours.

However, the trip was much noticeable due of the absence of our central committee president.

The function at Sheikh Faizal Garden was inaugurated by our great friend and well-wisher Dr. Chacko followed by orchestration and recitation.

Orchestration was safe in the hands Mr. Ashik, Mr. Zuhail, Mrs. Kala Kalyani and Miss. Sama Ashik. Own poetry recitation by our beloved friend Mr. Ramanthali was marvelous. The speech delivered by Mr. Neelakandan Iyer (CA) the visiting tax consultant attracted whole our community and he replied queries from them.

Happy moments.........


Thursday 16 December 2010


Dear Presindentji,
Our EC has unanimously decided to celebrate the coming Qatar National Day with our, Kannur INCAS family at Sheikh Faizal Garden & Mesuem, Shahaniya. To add colour and richness to the function we request your presence as a strong CC participation.
Above all, we request your permission to arrange this function named‘family trip 2010’ on18th Dec 2010.
Kind request for your approval, by return e-mail.
Thanks & regards,

Kannur Dist Chapter

(Suresh Kariyad)

Wednesday 15 December 2010

K. Karunakaran’s condition deteriorates..

Leader was put on ventilator on Monday 13th Dec 2010 following his condition worsened, a medical bulletin said.

The veteran Congress leader has been admitted to a private hospital on December 10, 2010. Doctors attending 92-year-old leader said that he has low blood count and breathless. He has been on ventilator support following his kidneys are not functioning properly, doctors said.

Family members, including son daughter and other state Congress supporters are present at the hospital.

Leader was admitted to Aananthapuri Hospital due to fever and uneasiness. Later, doctors diagnosed chest and urine infection.

Tuesday 14 December 2010


INCAS Kannur District Committee offers their heartfelt condolence to the senior member of INCAS, Mr. Bithan Kutty & his family on sad demise of his brother A.P. Mohammed Kunhu.

May the almighty rest the departed soul in peace and give fortitude to the bereaved members of the family to bear this irreparable loss.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

We love our Qatar

Qatar's bid for the 2022 World Cup is an audacious one, given that the country would be hosting the event during one of the hottest months in the year, and has little football infrastructure. But despite the skeptics, the country is surging ahead with its bid, this month unveiling five high-tech, air conditioned stadiums designed by global architecture firm Albert Speer and Partners.

Take a closer look...

Tuesday 7 December 2010

2022 FIFA World Cup awarded to our Qatar

Our thanks to the great leader, Emir of Qatar, HH Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani.

The dramatic announcement was made by Fifa president Mr. Joseph Sepp Blatter on 02/12/2010, Thursday night after beating off bids from Japan, Korea, Australia and USA.

Monday 6 December 2010

രാമന്തളിയില് പത്രലേഖകന് വെട്ടേറ്റു


മുന്‍ യൂത്ത്‌കോണ്‍ഗ്രസ് ബ്ലോക്ക് ഭാരവാഹിയും രാമന്തളിശങ്കരനാരായണക്ഷേത്രം ജീവനക്കാരനുമായ പത്രപ്രവര്‍ത്തകനെ ഗുരുതരമായിവെട്ടിപ്പരിക്കേല്‍പ്പിച്ചു. സിറാജ് പത്രത്തിന്റെ പയ്യന്നൂര്‍ ലേഖകന്‍കെ.പി.സുനില്‍കുമാറി (32)നാണ് വെട്ടേറ്റ് ഗുരുതരമായി പരിക്കേറ്റത്.

അക്രമത്തിന് പിന്നില്‍ സി.പി.എം. പ്രവര്‍ത്തകര്‍ ആണെന്നാണ് ആരോപണം.സുനില്‍കുമാറിനെ ആദ്യം പയ്യന്നൂര്‍ ആസ്പത്രിയിലും പിന്നീട്മംഗലാപുരത്തേക്കും കൊണ്ടുപോയി. ചൊവ്വാഴ്ച രാത്രി 10 മണിയോടെ മുഖംമൂടിഅണിഞ്ഞെത്തിയ അഞ്ചംഗസംഘം വെട്ടിപ്പരിക്കേല്‍പ്പിച്ചു എന്നാണ് പരാതി.

സുനില്‍കുമാറിന്റെ കൈകള്‍ക്കും കാലുകള്‍ക്കും ഗുരുതരമായെിപരിക്കേറ്റിട്ടുണ്ട്.കഴിഞ്ഞ രാമന്തളി പഞ്ചായത്ത് തിരഞ്ഞെടുപ്പില്‍ യു.ഡി.എഫിന് അനുകൂലമായിപ്രവര്‍ത്തിച്ചു എന്ന തോന്നലാണ് അക്രമത്തിന് പിന്നിലെന്നാണ് യു.ഡി.എഫ്.ആരോപണം.പയ്യന്നൂരിലും പരിസര പ്രദേശങ്ങളിലും പഞ്ചായത്ത് തിരഞ്ഞെടുപ്പിന് ശേഷംവ്യാപകമായ അക്രമങ്ങള്‍ അരങ്ങേറുകയാണ്. അക്രമങ്ങളില്‍ ഒന്നിലും പോലീസ്കേസ്സെടുക്കുക പോലുും ചെയ്തിട്ടില്ല. സംഭവത്തില്‍ പ്രതിഷേധിച്ച് രാമന്തളി മണ്ഡലം കോണ്‍ഗ്രസ്സ് കമ്മിറ്റിയുടെനേതൃത്വത്തില്‍ ബുധനാഴ്ച രാവിലെ ആറ് മുതല്‍ വൈകിട്ട് ആറ് വരെരാമന്തളിയില്‍ ഹര്‍ത്താല്‍ ആചരിക്കാന്‍ തീരുമാനിച്ചു. സംഭവത്തില്‍ മണ്ഡലംകോണ്‍ഗ്രസ്സ് കമ്മിറ്റി പ്രതിഷേധിച്ചു.

Sunday 5 December 2010


“Indians are poor but India is not a poor country”, says one of the Swiss Bank Directors. According to him, 280 lacs crore (280,00,000,000,0000) of Indian rupee is deposited in Swiss Bank which can be used for:

* Taxless’ budget for 30 yrs
* Give 60 crore jobs to all Indians
* From any village to Delhi 4 lane roads
* Forever free supply to more than 500 social projects
* Every citizen a monthly of Rs. 2000/- for 60 yrs
* No need of World Bank & IMF loan.

Think how our money is blocked by rich politicians. We have full right against corrupted politicians.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Our Hameedka honoured again

Golden Honour Award 2010 instituted by Kerala Kalakendram affiliated to Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Akademi, Govt of Kerala will be presented to Mr. K.P. Abdul Hameed (MD, Al Muftah Ren-A-Car, Doha) in a ceremonial function which will be held at Trivandrum, on 12th Dec 2010.

HH Marthanda Varma Maharaja, Hon’ble Governor, Chief Minister, Union Ministers and State ministers will be attending the prestigious function.

Mr. K.P. Abdul Hameed, a well known personality in overseas business enterprises and in socio cultural activities has made classic achievements in the respective fields.

We extend our hearty congratulations and good luck to the eminent non-resident Indian, our beloved Hameedka.

Also, we wish him good health and enough energy to bag many more awards, ofcourse he deserves.