Wednesday 29 September 2010



1. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what
their journey is all about.

2. Don't have negative thoughts of things you cannot control.
Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment

3. Don't over do; keep your limits

4. Don't take yourself so seriously; no one else does

5. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip

6. Dream more while you are awake

7. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

8. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner of
his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present

9. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate

10. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present

11. No one is in charge of your happiness except you

12. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.

13. Smile and laugh more

14. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.


15. Call your family often

16. Each day give something good to others

17. Forgive everyone for everything

18. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age
of 6

19. Try to make at least three people smile each day

20. What other people think of you is none of your business

21. Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your
family and friends will. Stay in touch


22. Put GOD first in anything and everything that you think, say
and do.

23. GOD heals everything

24. Do the right things

25. However good or bad a situation is, it will change

26. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up

27. The best is yet to come

28. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful

29. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it

30. If you know GOD you will always be happy. So, be happy. While you practice all of the above, share this knowledge with the people you love, people you school with, people you play with, people you work with and people you live with.

Not only will it enrich YOUR life, but also that of those around you.

National Animal of India

The magnificent Tiger Panthera tigris (linnaeus), the National Animal of India is a rich-colored well-striped animal with a short coat. The combination of grace, strength and power has earned the tiger great respect and high esteem. Indian tigers are famous all over the world and one of the main attractions for the lovers of wild life. They are the crowning glory and the light of the Indian wild life.

The natives of the forest worship the tiger as the deity that gives them honey and wax. Tigers are fast runners, excellent swimmers and their eyesight is strong.

To check the dwindling population of tigers in India, which came down to just 1,827 in 1972, massive conservation program was initiated in April 1973, known as the 'Project Tiger'. This project aims to maintain a viable population of tigers in India for scientific, economic, aesthetic, cultural and ecological values. Since then, the tiger population has shown a gradual increase and the census of 1989 puts the tiger population of the country at 4,334. So far, 19 tiger reserves have been established in the country under this project, covering over 29, 716 sq. km. forest area.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Request to Soniaji

Most respected Soniaji,

The unpredictability and irreversibility of Genetic Engineering (GE) and the uncontrollability of GE crops in the environment coupled with studies pointing at the potential risk to human health and environment has resulted in a controversy across the world around, about the need for introducing such potentially risky organisms.

The nationwide debate on Bt Brinjal highlighted the concerns of all sections of the society including scientist on GM (Genetically Modified) food in general and Bt Brinjal in particular. This also saw 10 state governments writing to the central government about the concerns they have with Bt Brinjal. All this, at that time had lead to a moratorium on Bt Brinjal declared by the Union Environment Minister Mr. Jairam Ramesh.

Instead of heeding the citizens concerns and establishing a strong regulatory mechanism with the mandate of protecting the health of the citizens, livelihood of our farmers and safety of our environment our Government is going ahead with the establishment-Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) which will act as a single window clearance mechanism for GM crops, in effect paving the way for the re-approval of Bt Brinjal.

Here are some of the problems with this bill:
The approval of GM crops would be based on a presumption that GM crops are a potential solution to all agricultural problems and that the country’s food security crisis can be resolved by introducing GM crops. On the contrary, many scientists agree to fact that real solutions for today’s agricultural problems are in ecological farming methods.

The approvals also presume that safety of a GM crop can be best assessed by the company which stands to benefit from the approval.

The bill proposes a centralized, technocratic decision making authority with no scope for democratic intervention. The apex authority is the BRAI with a chairperson and two members, all scientists with either a biotech or a health background.

BRAI gives no role to state governments in the approval of GM crops even though agriculture is a state subject under the Indian constitution.

BRAI sits inside the Ministry of Science and technology creating serious conflict of interest. Dept of Biotechnology under the Ministry of Science & Technology has the mandate of promotion of GE crops. DBT (Dept of Biotechnology) funds several GE crop development projects using public funds and is the nodal agency for redirecting funds from foreign governments to GE crop development projects.

Sections of the bill supercede the Right to Information Act and place the decision to disclose information for public interest with the authority instead of the Central Information Commission or the Delhi high court. The BRAI would kill any informed public debate on GE crops in future, one of the aspects that helped in stopping Bt Brinjal.

BRAI kills consumer choice and promotes GE polluters as it has no provision for labeling of GE crops or liability of the crop developer due to economic losses by contamination.

There is a need to re-draft the bill, first with an effort to disclose the draft bill and hold public consultations and take in suggestions and issues that are concerning all citizens of our country.
With the Government failing us by giving an approval for the BRAI bill, our hope lies with the National Advisory Council under your chairpersonship. The fact that the council pro-actively and effectively intervened in the drafting of two important legislations, the Food Security bill and the Communal Violence bill and is doing so with many others, gives us confidence that you will heed the concerns of us citizens and would stop the bill from being tabled in the Parliament in its present form.

The agri-biotech policy of this country is in need for a critical review and we hope the NAC can provide millions of farmers who practice ecological farming a chance to rejuvenate the country’s food production and re-establish its food security.

Being the leader of Indian National Congress and chairperson of the National Advisory Council (NAC) you may please be interfered by giving instructions for re-drafting the bill and saving lives of the entire citizens.


President : Suresh Kariyad
Gen. Secretary : A.K. Nihas
INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter

Monday 27 September 2010

We are Indians............We are proud of our India

Dear Friends,
Successful completion of Common Wealth Games is a must for INDIA’s image. There has been so much negative publicity about it. Let’s support the games now. And for sure, it doesn’t mean that we support the corruption involved with it.

Great banker

Hearty Congratulations……….

Mr. R. Seetharaman, bagged Achiever’s Gold Medal Award constituted by NRI Welfare Society. He was proposed for this international award by considering his excellent performance in international banking and finance sector.

The award was presented him during a function held at House of Lords in London, last week.

One of the notable bankers, Mr. Seetharaman joined in Doha bank as CEO in 2007. He has achieved many awards for his incomparable performance in banking sector. Best Arab Asian Banker Award, Best CEO Award, Arab-Asian Banker Excellence Award etc are some of them. Overall, he is a humanist and good speaker.

We take this opportunity to congratulate the great banker. Sir, great salutations from INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter.

Sunday 26 September 2010


Gandhi Jayanthi

INCAS Alapuzha Dist Chapter conducts a session in ICC hall at on Saturday 2nd October 2010, on behalf of Gandhi Jayanthi. Function comprises of delivery of commemorative speeches and presentation of patriotic songs.

Alapuzha Dist Chapter whole heartedly welcomes all members of INCAS for the function.

Sam Kuruvila
Vice president - Alapuzha Dist Chapter

Jnanpith Award again for Malayalam

Who sang ‘being a human being was much greater than being anything else even a poet'

Malayalam litterateur and poet ONV Kurup has been chosen for the 2007 Jnanapith award, the country's highest literary honour for his contribution to literature.

The award is announced in Delhi on Friday (24-Sep-2010) after a meeting of the Jnanpith Selection Board chaired by Oriya writer and Jnanpith award winner Sri. Sitakant Mahapatra.

ONV Kurup began his career as a progressive writer and matured into a humanist though he never gave up his commitment to socialist ideology. ONV is the second poet to bag the coveted award from Kerala. In 1995 G Sankara Kurup was honoured with Jnanpith. Though SK Pottekkad, Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai and MT Vasudevan Nair had been honoured with the award, they were all writers of prose.

INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter, take pleasure to congratulate our beloved ONV of Malayalam on this achievement.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

EID ONAM FESTIVAL ..........We celebrated

Rocking moments...................Mr. Niyas& Mr. Nihas along with the audience

The talented singer in action.........

The conductor on introductory speech...............

Yes indeed it was superb...................

Wonderful sweet.........................................

Miss on action ............Really great work.......


Melodeous Marvellous Splendid....................

Singing in good spirit...............

You will become the great.........talented master on action.........

You are happy we too..........................

INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter values the efforts put by INCAS central committee under our beloved President Mr. Joppachan and active Gen. Secretary Mr. Mohammed Ali Ponnani.
Also, our BIG THANKS to the participants who suppoted the function like anything.

Monday 20 September 2010


Most respected Soniaji,

The unpredictability and irreversibility of Genetic Engineering (GE) and the uncontrollability of GE crops in the environment coupled with studies pointing at the potential risk to human health and environment has resulted in a controversy across the world around, about the need for introducing such potentially risky organisms.

The nationwide debate on Bt Brinjal highlighted the concerns of all sections of the society including scientist on GM (Genetically Modified) food in general and Bt Brinjal in particular. This also saw 10 state governments writing to the central government about the concerns they have with Bt Brinjal. All this, at that time had lead to a moratorium on Bt Brinjal declared by the Union Environment Minister Mr. Jairam Ramesh.

Instead of heeding the citizens concerns and establishing a strong regulatory mechanism with the mandate of protecting the health of the citizens, livelihood of our farmers and safety of our environment our Government is going ahead with the establishment-Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) which will act as a single window clearance mechanism for GM crops, in effect paving the way for the re-approval of Bt Brinjal.

Here are some of the problems with this bill:

The approval of GM crops would be based on a presumption that GM crops are a potential solution to all agricultural problems and that the country’s food security crisis can be resolved by introducing GM crops. On the contrary, many scientists agree to fact that real solutions for today’s agricultural problems are in ecological farming methods.

The approvals also presume that safety of a GM crop can be best assessed by the company which stands to benefit from the approval.

The bill proposes a centralized, technocratic decision making authority with no scope for democratic intervention. The apex authority is the BRAI with a chairperson and two members, all scientists with either a biotech or a health background.

BRAI gives no role to state governments in the approval of GM crops even though agriculture is a state subject under the Indian constitution.

BRAI sits inside the Ministry of Science and technology creating serious conflict of interest. Dept of Biotechnology under the Ministry of Science & Technology has the mandate of promotion of GE crops. DBT (Dept of Biotechnology) funds several GE crop development projects using public funds and is the nodal agency for redirecting funds from foreign governments to GE crop development projects.

Sections of the bill supercede the Right to Information Act and place the decision to disclose information for public interest with the authority instead of the Central Information Commission or the Delhi high court. The BRAI would kill any informed public debate on GE crops in future, one of the aspects that helped in stopping Bt Brinjal.

BRAI kills consumer choice and promotes GE polluters as it has no provision for labeling of GE crops or liability of the crop developer due to economic losses by contamination.

There is a need to re-draft the bill, first with an effort to disclose the draft bill and hold public consultations and take in suggestions and issues that are concerning all citizens of our country.

With the Government failing us by giving an approval for the BRAI bill, our hope lies with the National Advisory Council under your chairpersonship. The fact that the council pro-actively and effectively intervened in the drafting of two important legislations, the Food Security bill and the Communal Violence bill and is doing so with many others, gives us confidence that you will heed the concerns of us citizens and would stop the bill from being tabled in the Parliament in its present form.

The agri-biotech policy of this country is in need for a critical review and we hope the NAC can provide millions of farmers who practice ecological farming a chance to rejuvenate the country’s food production and re-establish its food security.

Being the leader of Indian National Congress and chairperson of the National Advisory Council (NAC) you may please be interfered by giving instructions for re-drafting the bill and saving lives of the entire citizens.


President : Suresh Kariyad
Gen. Secretary : A.K. Nihas
INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter

Wednesday 15 September 2010


Moments with determination & thrill.............
Audience enjoying............
Thickly packed Ballroom.........
See our President and Vice President encouraging......
Mr. R.P. Hassan on action..............

Just shows how big we are........... how unitedly united we are under our President Mr. Joppachan & Gen. Secretary Mr. Mohd Ali Ponnani.

Monday 13 September 2010

EID ONAM Celebration


INCAS Central Committee, celebrated EID-ONAM festival on 12th Sep 2010 eve in Mughal Empire Ballroom at Doaha Jadeed.

The wonderful, magnanimous event was presented by the central committee for the INCAS family. We, INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter take this opportunity to congratulate entire office bearers of the Central Committee especially the great organizer Mr. Mohammed Ali Ponnani and Mr. R.P. Hassan whose efforts are ofcourse, immeasurable.

Our dearest President, Mr. Joppachan, Vice President Mr. Sam, Secretary Mr. Sonu Agustine and Mr. T.H. Narayanan made their notable speech followed by marvelous cultural programme and delicious dinner. The thickly packed ballroom enjoyed each moment………….

We strongly believe this is a beginning.

Thursday 9 September 2010


Eid is love….
Eid is beauty...
Eid is dedication...
Eid is happiness…

INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter wishes to U and Ur family “EID MUBARAK”


Eid Ul Fitar is the biggest Islamic Celebration Day which comes at the end of the Holy month Ramadan, Ramadan is the Islamic month in which Muslims all over the world keep fasts, Eid is an Arabic language word which means in English festivity and fitar means to break the fast, Thus this holiday represents that the fasting have ended, According to the Islamic Calendar first day of eid is also the first day of Islamic month Shawal.

Mostly Three days holidays are celebrated all around the world on this occasion, All Muslims celebrate it as they wear new clothes, Cook delicious foods, meet their family, take blessings from their elders, some visit graves of their ancestors in the early morning just after saying Eid Namaz, Muslims all over world rejoice together, hug each other and double the happiness among their hearts.

Muslims also give gifts to their beloved ones, mostly gifts are known to be in shape of Eid Cards, an Eid card is a beautiful designed card which Muslims used to express their greetings in a colorful way, Everyone like the cards, Watch these beautiful cards on diljann4u so that you can get an idea of how beautiful these cards are. Share presents with your friends and family not only give them happiness but keep this great event alive.

Wednesday 8 September 2010



നിങ്ങളുടെ വാഹനത്തിന്റെ ഉടമ സര്‍ക്കാര്‍ രേഖകള്‍ പ്രകാരം നിങ്ങളാണോ?
നിങ്ങള്‍ വാഹനം ആര്‍ക്കെങ്കിലും വിറ്റിട്ടുണ്ടോ ?
വിറ്റപ്പോള്‍ ഉടമസ്ഥാവകാശം കൈമാറ്റം ചെയ്തിരുന്നോ?
ഇപ്പോഴും സര്‍ക്കാര്‍ രേഖകള്‍ പ്രകാരം ഉടമസ്ഥന്‍ നിങ്ങളാണോ?

പരിശോധിക്കാന്‍ താഴെ കാണുന്ന ലിങ്ക് ഉപയോഗിക്കുക വാഹന നമ്പര്‍ മാത്രം നല്‍കിയാല്‍ മതി.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

iftar party

We INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter conducted IFTAR party on 27th Aug 2010 in Shalimar Palace Party Hall.

We joined with inmates of Feriq Bin Nasser camp of M/s. Jassim & Abdul Aal Cleaning & Maint Co along with honorable guests from business community and socio cultural activists representing various associations in Doha the working land of we the expats.

The superb, marvelous function was controlled by our favorite president Sri. Suresh Kariyad. Welcome speech was done by our dear Gen. Secretary Sri. Nihas. Key note speech on Ramadan was delivered by scholar Sri. Munir Mangada. Felicitous speeches were made by Central Committee Gen. Secretary Mr. Mohd Ali Ponnani, Mr. Sam Kuruvila and Mr. T.H. Narayanan.
Vote of thanks was expressed by Mr. Suresh Ramanthaly.

The gatherings wished INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter on their movement towards socially committed functions.

Have a look of some moments……………


Our Vice President Mr. Ahad is on short vacation from 07th Sep 2010 onwards.

We, INCAS Kannur Dist Chapter wish him happy journey and nice time in India ...............